Safety in the Workplace

Safety compliance training is essential to ensuring a healthy and productive workplace

On a daily basis, people get hired for new jobs. It’s important to make sure that new hires are aware of the safety information in the workplace as they’re unfamiliar with their new work area. This training equips them with the health and safety hazards of the job and helps avoid any risks.

Safety training videos and other eLearning courses are an easy way to ensure that your workers are equipped with knowledge and practices to do their day-to-day jobs with their health and safety in check.

Safety First

Once we establish a working relationship with you, we will walk your floors to conduct a workplace safety check/ Our OSHA-certified safety team helps ensure both you and your employees are protected from common hazards and risks. Every employee hired through Darby Day receives an in-person safety orientation (not an online quiz) to ensure they are up to speed on:

The ABCs (Attitude, Behavior and
Control) of Safety

Emergency Evacuation

Fire Prevention

Hazard Communication

Heat Illness Prevention

Lock Out/Tag Out

Personal Protective Equipment

Proper Lifting Techniques

Preventing Slips/Trips/Fall

Preventing Strains and Sprains

Strect and Flex

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